THE History

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church was organized on April 18, 1920 by the late Pastor Ford B. Reed. With him, at the signing were Sis. Sudie Alexander, Sis. Mattie Parks, Bro. Ollie Thomas, Bro. James Whithers, and Bro. John Whither. They began with less than fifty dedicated, spirit filled people determined to have a place of worship on the south side of Pontiac.
Bro. Gates and Bro. Emmanual Whithers opened their homes for church services and activities while the officers continued to look for a larger facility. The church eventually purchased a tent that was located on the corner of Nebraska and Highland and later moved to 420 Bloomfield where they stayed until October 10, 1954. At this time a basement building located on the corner of Motor and Alton Streets was given to them. This property was formerly the Baxter Mission and was a gift from Pastor, Dr. H. H. Savage and the First Baptist Church of Pontiac, MI. During all of this relocating, plans and preparations were still being made to build a new church.
A Building Fund Committee was established and many projects were put forth to raise and save money. Some of those who served as leaders of the Building Fund Committee were Dea. Albert Branch, Dea. Leo Snoddy and Bro. Paul Crenshaw. In the early fifties, four lots were purchased on the corner of Pearsall and Motor to build the new church. Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church owns property on Alton, Pearsall, and at 420 Bloomfield that had been used as a parsonage and other activities. The property on Bloomfield was sold and the money was put in the Building Fund.
Forty-nine years from its organization, the new church was completed in 1959 at an estimated cost of $70,000 dollars. The indebtedness to the bank was cleared in record time. In the Spring of 1963, plans for a new parsonage and educational center was implemented. In 1964, the parsonage was completed and the indebtedness to the bank was cleared in eleven months. Pastor Lenworth R. Miner Sr. was the first Pastor and family to live in the new parsonage. Pastor Lenworth Miner Sr. and Sister Miner raised their four sons and served their church family for twenty-one years from that parsonage.
We are indebted to our distinguished, skilled and determined predecessors who planned their work and worked their plan well, as is evidenced in all areas of the church’s growth. Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church continues to be a visible and viable soul winning establishment that is led by God.
On January 19, 1973, Pastor Edward L. McCree Sr. was called to pastor Macedonia while he was a student at the American Baptist Theological Seminary in Nashville, Tennessee. After graduating and receiving his B.A. degree in May, 1973, he and his family moved to Pontiac and lived in the parsonage.
Pastor McCree Sr. served as pastor until he retired in 2006. Much was achieved during his thirty-three years tenure. Our church became active at the city, state and national levels under the leadership of Pastor Lenworth R. Miner and then renewed under the leadership of Pastor McCree Sr. He was Moderator of the Crystal Lake District in Pontiac. He served as Vice President to Dr. Avery Aldridge, who was President of the Wolverine State Baptist District and as an instructor on the “Baptist Doctrine” at the state level. He also had the opportunity to preach at the National Baptist Convention USA Inc.
Under Pastor McCree’s administration, the James R. Fleming Educational Center was added to the church building. The Educational Center has seven classrooms, a fellowship hall with a commercial kitchen that seats approximately 300 people, two offices, a library, and conference facilities.
The educational building also housed a nursery for children, which were certified by the State of Michigan for several years. As the time progressed, three buses were purchased to transport children to and from the nursery and members to and from church. Technological supplies, such as computers, commercial printers, etc. were purchased to move the church business into the twenty-first century technical world. In 1980, the church and the parsonage underwent extensive remodeling. And became an even more beautiful place to worship and learn.
In June of 2007, Pastor Edward L. McCree Sr. passed away after a short illness. In March, 2006, Pastor Terrance J. Gowdy became Macedonia’s eighth Pastor. We welcomed him and his two daughters Triniti and Tahlia with outstretched arms. He came to Macedonia with a vision. His vision was to see Macedonia become as a beacon on a hill beckoning to whosoever will to come and accept Christ and all else will fall in the right place, at the right time.
Under Pastor Gowdy’s leadership, we adopted a new theme, “Doing It God’s Way.” His preaching and teaching have opened the door for new beginnings, and he is allowing God to lead him and Macedonia with a new vision. We see God moving through Pastor Gowdy. Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church is on fire for the Lord under his guidance.Our membership has increased tremendously and the true blessing is that the youth and young adults are coming to God. In addition, our church building and business is in good standing as he leads the church officers and staff to higher heights.
Since our 90th Church Anniversary in 2010, God has allowed us to spend more time expanding and starting ministries that are vital to our church, family and this community. We see training and evangelizing as a most important asset. Through our Mission Ministry, we have donated a substantial amount of money and time to the Ronald McDonald house, the Pontiac Optimist Club, St. Jude’s Hospital, a monthly donation to Feed the Children, and regular contact with our seniors and shut-in’s by phone, card, and dissertation.
Pastor Gowdy chose 9 men to train to become Deacons of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. After training, testing, and questioning, all 9 men were ordained on Sunday, April 10, 2011. In 2013, Pastor Gowdy appointed Sis. Norine Bourgeois as our new Mission President and we are thankful for her enthusiasm and commitment to our Mission Department. Pastor Gowdy revitalized the Married Couples Ministry. Healthy social activities are planned and shared with married couples that creates a spiritual bond.
We stay involved in our community and partner with groups such as the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., which have been part of this ministry. We offer to the community first class Health Fairs that are well attended. Many health topics are made available to the public. We also sponsor Thanksgiving dinners for the homeless and always have enough to feed everyone who come through the doors.
Our Youth Ministries is growing rapidly. They make God and us proud as they learn about him through Sunday School, Bible Study Classes, Youth Choir, Ushering, and other activities. We continue with our teaching and training through the Christian Education Ministry. Our Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and weekly Bible Classes are second to none. We continue to attend local, state, and national conferences and conventions.
In January 2016 Pastor Gowdy appointed new mothers on the Mothers' Ministry; Mother Mary Bursey, Mother Izora Evans, and Mother Willie Mae Johnson.
In March of 2017, in recognition of the late Deacon William Kennedy, Pastor Gowdy dedicated Wednesdays prayer meetings as the "Deacon William Kennedy Prayer Meetings" to honor this great Prayer Warrior. In recognition of Dr. Clarence McRipley, the annual health fair will be called the "Dr. Clarence McRipley Annual Health Fair of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church." Pastor Gowdy's vision is to remodel areas of the church and use the latest technology available to increase Macedonia's presence in the community and beyond. With God's blessings and mercy, all things are possible for the future generations to come.